On the heels of the milestone tenth season of “Ridiculousness,” MTV today announced “Amazingness,” an irreverent and hilarious variety talent competition show hosted by Rob Dyrdek alongside a star-studded panel of judges including Eddie Huang, Krystal Bee and Chris “Drama” Pfaff. The network also greenlit all-new episodes of “Ridiculousness” for its milestone tenth season. Both “Ridiculousness” and “Amazingness” were created and produced by one of Dyrdek Machine’s portfolio companies, Superjacket Productions.
“Working together again, my production company Superjacket and MTV have created a perfect complement to ‘Ridiculousness,’” said executive producer and host Rob Dyrdek. “‘Amazingness’ is a fast-paced show that is to wins what Ridiculousness is to fails — with all the irreverent comedy and nonstop action you’d expect.”
For the full story: Deadline